Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education Major in Mathematics

Subject Categories

Science and Mathematics Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Advisor

Maricar S. Prudente

Defense Panel Chair

Minie Rose C. Lapinid

Defense Panel Member

Celina P. Sarmiento
Maxima J. Acelajado
Voltaire M. Mistades
Socorro E. Aguja


In developing a framework of Self-regulated Learning in a Flexible Online Learning Environment, this action research employed the Plan-Do-Study-Act model. A series of self-paced online learning activities grounded by Universal Design Learning and Fundamentals for Self-Regulation were embedded in the Google Workspace. The learning tasks and the appropriate Google apps were designed to help the students self-regulate in their online learning in Mathematics. Moreover, the study used a multiple-case method to conduct a more thorough analysis and better understand the academic performance and learning development of six second-year mathematics students at the College of Education. It was found that the study's participants adopted what they perceived to be self-regulated learning strategies during the Activation, Control, and Monitoring stages of their learning. Furthermore, self-regulated learning processes were supported by the designed online tasks in Google Workspace, thus making it an appropriate online environment to encourage students' self-regulated learning strategies. In addition, the students learning progress involved four stages of self-regulating. They exhibited self-regulated learning strategies in reactive, responsive, regulative, and reflective phases and demonstrated their capacity for cognition, metacognition, and learning motivation. Moreover, experienced affordances involved Online Learning Structures such as Online Content Delivery, Interactivity Focus, Problem Solving, and Reflections-in-Action. Similarly, some constraints while learning in a Google Workspace environment were Internet Accessibility, Learning Space, and Time Constraints. Furthermore, this study recommends extending the Flexibility for Action Learning, Instruction and Technology in Mathematics (FAITH) Framework for a Blended Learning Setup in the next cycle to encourage the Co-Design of Teachers in promoting self-regulated learning strategies in mathematics.

Keywords: online self-regulated learning strategies, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Google Workspace, Action Research

Abstract Format







Calculus—Computer-assisted instruction; Geometry, Analytic—Computer-assisted instruction

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