Science Education Dissertations | Science Education | De La Salle University


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Incorporating metacognitive design thinking process in STEM students' science investigatory projects (SIP), Melet B. Mariano

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Model for Hexad player type-based gamified physics course for enhancing student engagement and performance, Coleen M. Amado

Using the 4C/ID model in e-physics modules (e-PMs) towards meaningful learning among PMA cadets, Russel L. Arnaldo

Effects of online gamified laboratory course in college students' motivation, self-regulation, and performance in physics during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ma. Kristina B. Dela Cruz


Teaching an online science course during the pandemic: A multiple case study on teaching presence, Marissa R. Fearnley

I-STEM-PBL: Framework on biology education for sustainable development, Aaron A. Funa

Design, development, and implementation of the VLAFC model: Improving student's cognition, engagement, and self-regulation, Jack Robert B. Sablan

Utilizing jigsaw cooperative virtual laboratory modules in teaching topics in General Chemistry, Marc Lancer J. Santos

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Promoting self-regulated learning using Google workspace in learning calculus with analytic geometry, Gelyn R. Acar


Teaching presence in an online Science, Technology, and Society (STS) course: A mixed methods study, Jose Noel V. Fabia


Contextualized self-regulated learning materials in life science anchored on students' funds of knowledge, Aris A. Lapada

Examining teacher assessment identity and its extent on linking formative assessment to student performance, Jeaneth R. Licaros

Integrating parental involvement in a blended distance learning module in Biology: Stakeholaders experiences, Frosyl F. Miguel

Mathematical creativity among secondary mathematics teachers and grade 10 students, Alexis Michael B. Oledan


Home-based biology experiments for teachers (HBE4T) towards self-efficacy, resiliency, and professional development, Dave Arthur R. Robledo


Improving online physics classes using Gamified and Mastery-based Online Physics (GMOP) instruction, Analyn N. Tolentino

Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Teachers' knowledge and practice in assessing students' 21st century skills in mathematics, Clemente M. Aguinaldo Jr.


Adaptive e-Learning System (AeLS) Through Socioemotional Skills: The Learning Pathways on Genetics, Ivan Joseph Arevalo

The effects of G12 students’ NOS beliefs on their metacognition and self-regulation, Mylha H. Baltazar

Investigating citical thinking skills in synchronous online discussion forums: A case study, Evelyn Roque Camara


Junior high school teachers lived experiences in teaching science: A transition to Philippines' K to 12 spiral progression approach, Monell John Fernandez Canizares


Exploring the teachers development of a culturally sensitive lesson in mathematics through modular approach: Towards a professional learning community model for multicultural instruction, Maris T. Lasco


Development and utilization of a problem-based learning module for promoting mathematical investigation proficiency, Ellenita G. Manalaysay

Development, implementation and evaluation of technology reflective inquiry-based Physics instructional model: Towards students' learning, Sunshine Cassandra C. Merciales