Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Applied Corporate Management

Subject Categories

Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Patrick Adriel H. Aure

Defense Panel Chair

Shieradel V. Jimenez

Defense Panel Member

Carlo Erwin I. Gonzales


Purpose – This study merged the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with the Norm Activation Model (NAM) and examined the gap between consumer intention and behavior for product delivery packaging recyclability through the factors that affect it.

Design/methodology/approach – The gap between recycling intent and behavior was explored by utilizing the mixed-methods sequential-explanatory approach. Survey data were analyzed through Jamovi, while insights from the interviews were derived via the thematic analysis.

Findings – This research found that awareness of consequences is a factor that affects personal norms. Additionally, personal norms mediated the relationship awareness of consequences to recycling intention. However, despite being statistically related to behavior, the practicality of intention as a determinant of behavior is challenged due to the presence of conflation of recycling and reusing, and social desirability issues. Furthermore, perceived behavioral control significantly affects how intention influences behavior. In fact, it moderates the execution or nonexecution of recycling intention to behavior.

Research limitations/implications – The study’s target participants were from Generations Y and Z, and excluded respondents from Generation X, thereby limiting generalizability to aforementioned generations.

Practical and social implications – The research can contribute to creating evidence-based recycling initiatives and solutions for the government and e-commerce to stimulate consumer recycling behavior and alleviate the environmental impact of post-consumer product delivery packaging waste.

Originality/value – Compared to other studies, this research focuses on the gap between recycling intention and behavior, specifically in product delivery packaging.

Key Words: Theory of Planned Behavior, Norm Activation Model, Recycling Intention, Recycling Behavior, Product Delivery Packaging

Relevant SDGs: SDG No. 12 Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG No. 17 Partnership for the Goals

Abstract Format







Consumer behavior; Packaging waste; Recycling (Waste, etc.)

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