"The mobile gaming industry: How mobile game addiction and digital inno" by Gabriel M. Guerrero, Brian Christopher Cruz Tejano et al.

The mobile gaming industry: How mobile game addiction and digital innovation of Call of Duty: Mobile-Garena, affect a players purchasing intention

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Business Studies

Subject Categories

Marketing | Other Business


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Thesis Advisor

Harvey T. Ong

Defense Panel Chair

Jessica Jaye Ranieses

Defense Panel Member

Hannibal Marchan


The mobile gaming industry now in the Philippines is such a huge hit that more and more people from kids to teenagers started to play. Which means more in-game purchases and with this, the proponents of the research would like to know what drives teenagers to working college students to purchase the in-game items in Call of Duty: Mobile - Garena. The main objective of this study is to understand the buying behavior of each player when it comes to purchasing in-game credits for Call of Duty: Mobile - Garena. The research designs that have been used are the following: descriptive research, exploratory research, or causal research designs and correlational. The following variables were specifically investigated in the paper: mobile game addiction, digital innovation, and purchase intention. This has aided the researchers' overall method, which entails analyzing the variables and figuring out how independent variables affect consumers' purchase intentions. The survey will be able to obtain 385 respondents/players wherein everyone is within the required age group (13-25 years old) who’s been playing free to play games for how long. The survey has revealed that digital innovation and mobile game addiction have influenced the decision-making of the respondents in making in-game purchases in Garena Call of Duty- Mobile.

Abstract Format







Video gamers—Psychology; Consumer behavior; Video game addiction; Mobile games industry

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