Students examining their own conceptions using the force concept inventory

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Education Major in Physics

Subject Categories

Science and Mathematics Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education


The aim of this study is to help students assess their own conceptions of basic Newtonian mechanics enabling them to take better control of their own learning. Specifically, the study attempts to use the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) both as a diagnostic tool and as an evaluation tool in a traditional learning environment. As a diagnostic tool, the FCI enables students to assess their own conceptions. As an evaluation tool, the FCI enables the teacher to assess the effectivity of applying the FCI as a diagnostic tool for students. Likewise, the study makes use of student interviews in determining the effectivity of the FCI application as a diagnostic tool.

The following conclusions are drawn: (1) The FCI, with the aid of guide questions, can be used to arouse discontent in students regarding their conceptions of basic Newtonian mechanics and help them assess these conceptions; (2) The application of the FCI in this manner is most effect in bringing about changes in the conceptual dimensions of Kinematics and Kinds of Forces; (3) The application of the FCI increases the number of students who improved their FCI scores; and (4) There is a need to further refine the method of the FCI application as a diagnostic tool to increase its effectivity. It is recommended based from the findings of the study that more time should be spent in making students understand that mastery of concepts can lead to effective problem solving. Likewise, the number and frequency of references to the FCI results and the guide questions should be increased to keep the students focused on the need to change their own conception. Lastly, it is recommended that the teacher also make use of the FCI results in shaping his lessons for effective learning to take place.

Abstract Format






Accession Number



Mechanics—Study and teaching

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