"Safer sex practices and health-seeking behavior of sex workers: The ca" by Isabelita N. Bas

Safer sex practices and health-seeking behavior of sex workers: The case of selected young adult females in Cebu City

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Health Social Science


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Thesis Adviser

Exaltacion E. Lamberte

Defense Panel Chair

Ma. Elena Chiong Javier

Defense Panel Member

Pilar Ramos Jimenez
Cristina A. Rodriguez


This study investigates the safer sex practices and health-seeking behavior among young adult female sex workers in Cebu City. The study utilized face-to-face interviews with the use of an interview guide. It covered 17 female sex workers composed of nine registered and eight freelance sex workers aged 17 to 24 years old. The registered sex workers were identified through the assistance of the Cebu City Health Social Hygiene Clinic. The freelance sex workers were recruited through the outreach clinic of Kamagayan Health Center. The median age of the respondents is 21. The freelancers are younger than the registered sex workers. Most of them are single and have had some secondary education. The majority come from large families. Most of them are new in sex work (one year or less). Their median age when they started to engage in sex work is 19. The majority have been previously employed either as factory workers, salesgirls, caregivers, domestic helpers or entertainers. Their reason for entry to sex work is economic. they are enticed to join the sex trade by other sex workers or pimps. The average age at coital debut is 16. Among the 17 sex workers, two were coerced by boyfriends while three were raped. All the registered and four freelance sex workers are alcohol drinkers. Only four freelance sex workers disclosed that they are taking drugs. In general, sex workers have an average of four sexual partners a week. Registered sex workers however, tend to have fewer clients (average of one per week) compared to freelance sex workers (average, 10 per week). Both types of respondents have a moderate level of knowledge about sexually- transmitted diseases (STDs). They cited the Cebu City Health Office as the main source of information about STDs. The use of condoms is the most common safer sex practice used by sex workers to avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancy. Their knowledge of condoms is obtained from the City Health Office. Other strategies practiced by the sex workers to avoid STDs include refusal to have sex with customers (a) who do not wear condoms, (b) with those showing signs of STDs, and (c) those who are using penile implants. The health-seeking behavior among registered sex workers to prevent STDs is to submit to a weekly medical check up at Cebu City Health's Social Hygiene Clinic. Freelance sex workers, however, tend to utilize the services of the outreach clinic of Kamagayan Health Center. Sex workers knew about the city ordinance which compels them to have a weekly medical check up. They viewed this requirement favorably because this ensures that they are protected from the STDs. Most of them did not have any difficulty in availing of the services at the Social Hygiene Clinic because the services are available and affordable and the clinic has accommodating staff. Registered sex workers who have secondary or more education and who have longer work duration tend to practice safer sex.

Abstract Format






Accession Number

CDTG003534; TG03534

Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in.


Sexual ethics; Health behavior; Prostitutes; Young women

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