""Addressing the inconsistent student services in a network of school: " by Anna Carmela Z. Aquino

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Pia Redempta T. Manalastas

Defense Panel Chair

Raymund Habaradas

Defense Panel Member

Frances Jeanne Sarmiento
Denver Bingski Daradar


The goal of this action research project is to improve the student discipline program of ABC ESG, a network of schools. To achieve this goal, we identified objectives for each cycle including our target output. The issue that we discovered is the absence of the discipline office in the majority of campuses of ABC ESG. This absence has to lead to guidance office doing the job of processing the disciplinary case and giving sanctions to the students involved. These additional duties to the personnel of the guidance office are conflicting to their role as a guidance counselor. We identified this conflict based on the Code of ethics released by the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, Inc.

Moreover, there was feedback from the academic heads and programs heads that there are disciplinary concerns on the campuses. As an educational institution, each college and education centers should maintain student discipline. Another point that we anchored on is the compliance to the regulatory requirement on the office of student affairs. Non-compliance may lead to a recommendation to hold the permit to operate of the school.

Through the person practice, frameworks, and reflections, we came up with resolutions after two (2) cycles; the presence of the discipline officer in the schools and providing them with their procedure and forms to perform their tasks. The discipline officer will be the initial effort in strengthening the student discipline program in the network. The first cycle focused on the creation of discipline officer function in the campuses. The schools shall hire or assign a discipline officer that will take the lead in improving the student discipline program in each campus. The second cycle focused on the procedure that the discipline officer will use including the forms required to document the output of each of the significant steps.

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