Updating credit policies through a common electronic mailbox

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation

Thesis Adviser

Rachel A. Quero

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Victoria P. Tibon

Defense Panel Member

Jaime T. Cempron
Azenith H. Castillo
Maria Victoria P. Tibon
Brian C. Gozun


This action research project dealt with the proper administration and management of processed knowledge as useful tool for Credit Policy makers of Phil. Bank (the Bank). Faced with tight competition and greater demands on fast and seamless delivery of products, organizations and businesses are taking the fast track to improve its operations by restructuring their divisions to streamline its processes. One of the possible drawbacks of restructuring activities would be the improper turnover of knowledge from dissolved sections of the organization or from previous personnel who leave the organization. This study aims to the examine ways to address the ineffective process of updating and revising the Banks credit policies due to lack of proper documentation of the revisions made in the credit policies of Phil Bank.

The issue is reflected by the following manifestations: (1) lack of acquired knowledge on credit-related concerns (2) increased number of credit policies for update from the Phil. Bank and its subsidiaries and (3) lengthened turnaround time for the update of credit policies of Phil. Bank. To address these concerns, the Risk Policies and Methods personnel collaboratively agreed to administer and manage all information from lending business (e.g., marketing departments and operating departments) through the creation of a common electronic mailbox for storing revisions made on Phil Banks credit policies accessible to all its policy personnel officers and staffs, and refinement of the established database of credit policies to include additional feature for the history of updates to guide the policy personnel to determine the subsequent changes required in specific policies.

In order to realize our objectives and goals, I used various methods in gathering information needed using the first-person, second-person and third-person inquiries. Using the various academic resources available, I and my collaborators decided to use the Framework of Knowledge Transfer by Jasimuddin, Connell, & Klein (2011) as our conceptual framework to properly manage knowledge transfer. To administer the change, we utilize the Transition Model by Bridges (2009) which will help the credit policy personnel to slowly transition to its expanded roles and functions as a result of department restructuring. While there are still loopholes in the process of updating the Banks credit policies after we have applied the improvements (creation of shared credit policy database for policy amendments and refined the features of existing credit policy databases), we continue to apply and utilize the action research cycles since the action research, as mentioned by Coghlan & Brannick (2014), does not only deal with enacting a specific change but continuous study and improvement on the proposed change. With this study, I realized that proper knowledge transfer has significant effect in the success of the organization as this can directly impact on how marketing and operating units perform their roles as guided by credit policies and manuals.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 computer disc ; 4 3/4 in.


Credit control--Philippines; Electronic data processing documentation--Philippines

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