"A study on the introduction of jeepney services at Dacca, the capital " by A. S. M. Ataur Rahman

A study on the introduction of jeepney services at Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation

Thesis Adviser

Abelardo Viray

Defense Panel Chair

Evaristo Narvaez, Jr.

Defense Panel Member

Noel De Leon
Coronado Munasque
Abelardo Viray


This study proposes the desirability and feasibility of the introduction of jeepney services in the metropolitan area surrounding Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh. Taking into account government policies with respect to individual ownership of property, this study proposes that the service be introduced and managed by individual owners and operators. An association will be set up to safeguard the interests of the owners and to ensure the smooth operation of the proposed jeepney service. It will also be responsible to provide over-all coordination, to liaise with the government, to set standards of service and efficiency, and to ensure that the operators comply with stipulation in regard to routes and rates. The project is technically sound, financially viable and economically justified. In order to meet the present shortage of transport services, the study proposes the introduction of about 1,140 jeepneys by October, 1974, the number to increase every year to meet the incremental demand. By the end of the tenth year, the total number of jeepneys serving Dacca's citizens is estimated at 1,733 units, an increase of over 52 per cent over ten years, or an average yearly increase of about 4.254 per cent. The Planning Commission of the Government of Bangladesh will make projections of incremental requirements and determine the number of additional jeepneys that may need to be commissioned. The engine with the chassis of the jeepney will be imported and the bodies will be manufactured by local body-building firms. The main assumptions underlying the study and conclusions are as follows : 1. that 60 per cent of the total excess demand for transport will be met by introducing jeepneys 2. that 50 per cent of the total yearly increase in demand for transport will be met by introducing additional jeepneys and the balance by additional buses and baby-taxis 3. that, since the ownership pattern is proposed to be diffused among many individuals, financial statements have been prepared for a single unit of jeepney, particularl

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

117 leaves, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Transportation--Bangladesh--Dacca; Jeep automobile--Bangladesh--Dacca

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