"The proposed administrative and faculty handbooks for Marian College, " by Milflor F. Ferrancullo A.D.C.

The proposed administrative and faculty handbooks for Marian College, Ipil, Zamboanga Del Sur

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Dr. Roberto T. Borromeo

Defense Panel Chair

Dr. Belen De Jesus

Defense Panel Member

Dr. Adelaida Bago
Marikita Tirol Evangelista


This study develops the Administrative and Faculty Handbooks for Marian College, Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur. The study used the descriptive-developmental research design. It employed three sets of instruments such as interview questionnaires, checklist on duties and functions and survey questionnaires for data gathering. It was supplemented by interviews of respondents and documentary analysis. The subjects chosen for the study were the 74 employees of Marian College, consisting of the administrators, teaching and non-teaching personnel. The researcher administered the questionnaires to the subjects in July, 1993. The data gathered were tallied, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using appropriate statistical techniques and formulas such as frequencies and percentage. The actual performance of the school personnel were assessed. Frequency of the responses were tallied and tabulated. In determining the degree of desirability, the checklist of duties were assigned a five-point scale. The last three (3) higher points are decided as the cut-off point for inclusion with a 50 percent equivalent of the total respondents who perceived it as desirable to be included in the proposed manual. Results provided input in determining the specific duties of the school personnel.

The frequency and percentage were used to determine the quantitative responses to the items on the policies governing the faculty. This facilitates the identification of the existing policies and procedures and other practices in the institution which are worthy of inclusion in the proposed manuals. Results of this survey and the analysis of related documents, provided indication on which of the practices are important and applicable for the school.The initial draft of the proposed administrative manual and the faculty handbook for Marian College stipulates the organizational relationships, job specifications, criteria for the selection, and appointment of administrators, specific duties and functions of all the school personnel, policies and practices, procedures, rules, and regulations concerning the faculty, support staff and students based on the perception of the respondents. After the field testing to be made in the respondent school, the first draft will be revised. Revision will be based on the comments and suggestions gathered in the field test. The implementation of the action plan for further dissemination, implementation, and appraisal of the administrative and faculty handbook would complete the process of determining the applicability of the handbook to the institutional situation.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

541 leaves


Administrative manuals; Teachers -- Handbooks; manuals; etc; Marian College; Ipil; Zamboanga Del Sur; School administrators -- Handbooks; manuals; etc; School management and organization

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