"Expert system in electrical power systems fault simulation" by Elmer P. Dadios

Expert system in electrical power systems fault simulation

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Samuel Cruz

Defense Panel Chair

Peter Fernandez

Defense Panel Member

Marilou Jopillo
En-Hsin Huang


Expert systems are among the most useful and interesting applications of Artificial Intelligence. Expert Systems, which model the expertise of a human expert, are challenging to program. It is difficult to capture experience and knowledge of a human expert. The emphasis for developing expert systems should be placed on gathering, representing and manipulating the knowledge of an expert [WEIS86]. Learning how to develop an expert systems is determining exactly what is a human expert is and how human experts use their expertise. When confronted with difficult problem, experts are able to restructure the pertinent information as well as their understanding of the problem. This allow them to divide the problem into smaller and more easily solved parts, or problems similar to one already solved. Experts also know when to break the rules, determining the relevance of information, and obtain a solution without excessive resources. They solve problems using minimal number of false starts and the least number of intermediate steps. Once a solution is obtained, they can explain the results and how their reasoning process is used. Experts also can find multiple solutions to a problem as well as recognize when a problem is outside their domain of expertise.Many succesful programs have been created to perform like human experts, example is the EMYCIN [RICH83]. These expert systems, often referred to as knowledge based systems, are a class of computer programs that can emulate the thought process of the human expert over a limited domain of expertise. Usually these systems are develop by human experts. They attempt to represent methods and reasoning processes for solving specific problems using knowledge structures such as facts and rules. Expert system has no real intelligence nor can it completely take the place of the human expert. It is only used as a supplement to the expert. It is a computer program design to act as an expert to a particular domain. This research is focused on making an Expert System in Electrical Powe

The environment in which power system operators work is becoming more complex: new constraints are appearing, old constraints are tightening, and the number of decision variables are increasing. Operators often suffer from information overload particularly during times of crises. The function of an operator is knowledge intensive. This knowledge can be compiled into manuals and reports. However, this is not the most convenient form. One of the major directions of this research is to have an intelligent assistant. A computer based assistant whose functions will go a long way towards relieving the difficulties faced by operators. In particular this assistant could help in the following areas with great accuracy and more efficiency:Provide the means for operators to communicate with computers in natural and easy way. Reduce the information load of the operators by summarizing the results. For example, calculating the value of fault currents and voltages. Recognize circumstances that need operators attention.Check past operations of the system to see if they contain information useful to existing circumstances. Searh operators manual and display the portion relevant to existing circumstances. When sudden transition in power system occur, deduce what happen and why. Provide advices and help formulate plans and activities such as system restoration and inter-utility power exchanges. The Electrical Power System Fault Simulation involves both diagnostic and calculation. This is an expert system capable in diagnosing what type of fault occur, where is the location of this fault, and what is the reason for this fault. This expert system uses fault calculation in order to evaluate the condition of the entire power system at any time. From this fault calculations the system can pinpoint what are the damages incurred to the power system due to the occurence of fault.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

178 leaves; 28 cm.


Computer-design; Expert systems (Computer science); Electric power systems

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