"The Hollywood Fiasco" by Filomeno G. Bactol Rev.

The Hollywood Fiasco

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management


The case is primarily administrative and human-relations oriented. It also involves financial problems. Hollywood Catholic School of Dulceville is a diocesan school, therefore under the Bishop as far as assigning of personnel is concerned. But because of people's involvement in the school's post-war construction and its reconstruction after the fire in 1972, Hollywood Catholic School has also become a community school and therefore the people also have a say in the progress of the school. The Sisters of Hollywood did not seem interested in the welfare of the students and the school. When the Hollywood teachers filed complaints with the Bishop against the Sister Principal, the Principal left the school and insisted that she be returned to Dulceville by no less than the Bishop himself. Also, the Bishop did not hear the side of the people before siding with the Sister Principal. Alternative actions include: 1) The Bishop will not have to bring back the Sister Principal personally in his own car. As a consequence, the Sister will not go back to Hollywood ever and thus student promotion record will not be transmitted to the Department of Education and Culture. 2) The Bishop can remove the Sister Principal from office. This would mean a condemnation of the Sister and Bishop's request for more Sisters will not be accommodated by the Provincial Superior. 3) The Bishop can conduct an impartial investigation of the case. This will mean the root cause of the problem might be removed.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

17 leaves

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