"Metrosexuals: Understanding the new breed of men and investigating it" by Hanna Lou D. Javier, Anna Olivia S. Lee et al.

Metrosexuals: Understanding the new breed of men and investigating its developmental processes

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology


College of Liberal Arts




Awarded as best thesis, 2007

Thesis Adviser

Roberto Mendoza

Defense Panel Member

Elena V. Morada


This research study is focused on the new breed of men called metrosexuals, and its aim was to formulate a common definition and to explore a metrosexual’s development process. The study had two research questions, namely (1) what is a metrosexual? And (2) what are the factors that have contributed to the development of metrosexuality? For the first research problem, researches devoted an in-depth interview from four areas (academic, media, entrepreneurship and entertainment) with considerable exposure to this breed in order to come up with a common definition. A quantitative phase was dedicated to compose a new measure called Measure for Metrosexuality Scale, of which its purpose would be to determine one’s chances of adhering to metrosexuality characteristics. Lastly, in-depth interviews were conducted to self-confessed metrosexuals for a comprehensive investigation, regarding their own thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. Results pointed out three major themes for the definition of metrosexuality, namely (1) vanity, (2) femininity and (3) fashionableness and artistic expression. The quantitative phase has verified that one's adherence to metrosexuality characteristics increases as his sex role orientation score veers from musculinity. Lastly, it was found that there were five factors which have contributed to the development of metrosexuality, namely need for social acceptance, attribution, non-conformist attitude, insecurity issues during adolescence, closeness to femaly family members, availability of excess resources, influence and exposure to media.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

176 leaves ; 28 cm.

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