"Achievement goals, academic engagement and achievement among preservic" by Ruby Leah S. Lising

Achievement goals, academic engagement and achievement among preservice teachers with different levels of commitment to teaching by Ruby Leah S. Lising.

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology Major in Educational Measurement and Evaluation


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Bernardo, Allan B. I.

Defense Panel Chair

Garcia, John Addy S.

Defense Panel Member

Bustos-Orosa, Ma. Alicia, Dr.
Ouano, Jerome A., Dr.
Salanga, Guadalupe C., Dr.
Lupdag, Anselmo D., Dr.


Using the 2 x 2 Achievement Goal Framework, a model depicting the relationships of achievement goals (i.e., mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance), academic engagement (i.e., cognitive, behavioral, and emotional), and achievement of preservice teachers in field study was proposed and tested. The path analysis of the data from 655 preservice teachers with high commitment to teaching and 500 with low commitment to teaching showed good fit indices, indicating the good fit between the data and the model. The analysis of variance, done prior to the path analysis, indicated that the students with high commitment to teaching are significantly higher in all the four achievement goals and the three academic engagement variables. Result of the path analysis showed that the two groups of preservice teachers have different predictors of academic achievement – emotional engagement predicted the academic achievement of the students with high levels of commitment to teaching while behavioral engagement is a predictor of achievement of those with low commitment to teaching. In terms of the relationship of achievement goals to academic engagement, the two groups showed almost similar patterns of significant path relationships, except for performance-approach goals which predicted emotional engagement of the low commitment to teaching group. Findings also revealed that among the four types of achievement goals only mastery approach goals predicted the three components of academic engagement for both groups of participants. Implications of the present study were discussed in relation to field study as an experiential learning course and an important component in the development of preservice teachers.

Abstract Format




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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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