"Suicide potential among filipino youth: Model and assessment" by Susana R. Almeda Estanislao

Suicide potential among filipino youth: Model and assessment

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology Major in Clinical Counseling

Subject Categories

Educational Psychology


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Salud P. Evangelista

Defense Panel Chair

Rose Marie Salazar-Clemeña

Defense Panel Member

Allan B. I. Bernardo
Imelda V.G. Villar
Naomi R. Ruiz
Carmelita P. Pabiton


This study formulates a model on suicide potential among Filipino youth, ages 15 to 24 years. It also validates this model through the development of the Suicide Potential Inventory for Filipinos (SPIF). Specifically, this study aims to examine the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of Filipino suicide prone individuals manifested in the five suicide related dimensions: Hopelessness, Negative Self-Evaluation, Suicide Ideation, Helplessness, and Hostility.The qualitative data, which served as bases in the formulation of the model and the SPIF item pool, were gathered through interview and survey procedures using 7 clinicians and counseling psychologists, 5 suicidal individuals, and 16 significant others. Moreover, 189 participants were tapped in the development of the SPIF, which was subjected to quantitative analyses in order to establish its psychometric properties.The model displayed the predisposing risk factors, psychological functioning of the individual, and precipitating causes that contribute to the development of suicide related conditions and eventual suicide. These conditions reflected a general sense of futility and despair which stemmed from loss or conflictual interpersonal relationship.

Findings revealed that this model, which was consistent with the framework of this study, was confirmed by the development of the SPIF. This 87-item instrument was proven reliable and valid in assessing suicide potential among Filipino youth. It had 5 highly intercorrelated sub-scales which could discriminate the suicidal from the non-suicidal individuals. Evidence of convergence existing between the SPIF and Suicide Probability Scale was likewise determined.It could therefore be concluded that the SPIF test items validated the construct under study.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

145 leaves


Suicide; Youth; Psychological tests

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