"SAGe: Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for solid analytic geometry" by Araceli E. Alava, Gina F. Alcera et al.

SAGe: Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for solid analytic geometry

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science


The potentials of computers in education have gained considerable recognition abroad. In the Philippines, the same manifestation can be seen as efforts are being made to set the trend towards computer education and the application of computer in the learning process. The latter trend has been set through what is popularly known as Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) where the computer is utilized as a medium of instruction. Because of its inherent capabilities, it provides a great potential for facilitating the learning process. Since students experience difficulties in visualizing three-dimensional figures in Solid Analytic Geometry, the proponents of this study felt such capabilities of the computer, more specifically in graphics display, could be tapped to alleviate this problem. However, the CAI package would not be intended to be the sole medium of instruction. Instead, it would simply serve as a supplement to classroom lectures. But then, with out inferior state of software technology, it was felt that the feasibility of developing a courseware in Solid Analytic Geometry would largely depend on the existing software tools for three-dimensional graphics with rotation and translation capabilities. Technically, therefore, the possibility of such a CAI package has yet to be determined by selecting most appropriate from among the available graphics software. After a survey of the existing graphics softwares and an in-depth research on CAIs, the basic framework of the courseware was designed and coded in BASIC using the Supergraphics software, to be implemented on an Apple microcomputer. Although the graphics software used was helpful in presenting solid figures on-screen, it also imposed restrictions in programming and development. This somehow affected the design of the courseware. Despite these limitations, however, the completion of the CAI named SAGe (for Solid Analytic Geometry) proves the technical feasibility of its development. But due to time constraints, evaluation of student performance

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

38 numb. leaves ; Computer print-out.


Geometry--Computer-assisted instruction; Computer systems; Programmed instruction

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