"Educational network monitoring system (ENMS)" by Jasmin D. Aronce, Poinsettia S. Dy et al.

Educational network monitoring system (ENMS)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences | Programming Languages and Compilers


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science


The Educational Network Monitoring System aims to come up with a monitoring system for the IBM-JX computers connected to the IBM Cluster Adapter that allows users to capture and broadcast screens, send messages/instructions, and transfer files. Memory usage has been found to be very crucial in the development of the project. The IBM-JX computers only have 512K bytes of RAM and the 82K bytes are used by the operating system. Thus, only 430K bytes are allocated for application programs used. Therefore, the size of the resident program had to be made as small as possible so as to enable application softwares to be loaded together with the resident program. Transmission speed of the terminals screens has been a major concern. Several snapshots of the workstation's screen if transmitted to the server's screen to achieve an interactive capture effect. So, different techniques had to be employed so as to make an identical copy of the workstation's screen to the server's screen. The project can only monitor terminals running three application programs namely: DBase 111, Lotus123 and Turbo Pascal. If the size of the memory resident program could be decreased, application programs requiring a large amount of memory could be loaded together with the TSR thereby increasing the number of application softwares that the system can monitor.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various pagings); computer print-out


Computer networks; Computer-assisted instruction; Educations-computer-assisted instructions; Teaching-Data processing; Interactive video Computer programs

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