"Academic motivations of students under the Scholarship and Financial A" by Francis M. Embrador and Marianne S. Mananghaya

Academic motivations of students under the Scholarship and Financial Assistance Office of De La Salle University

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Adviser

Alexa P. Abrenica

Defense Panel Chair

Ma. Angeles G. Lapeña


The study aimed to find out if there is a significant difference in the measurable motives between grantees of the Scholarship and Financial Assistance (SFA) program and non-grantees, most especially in rank. This was determined by having participants of each group answer the Academic Motivations Inventory (AMI). The grantees were selected randomly with help from the SFA Office. The non-grantees were selected randomly with help from the SFA Office. The non-grantees were selected using a six-stage procedure where the recipients were randomly chosen from the different colleges within De La Salle University, until the quota number targeted for the study was reached. All respondents were between second year college to terminal, and were enrolled in the aforementioned university during schoolyear 2006-2007. The means of the data obtained from the instrument were ranked in descending order. The data was also analyzed using t-test. It was revealed that statistically, there is a significant difference between the two groups with regard to achieving motives. Career/economic orientation, debilitating anxiety, discouraged about school, dislike for school, facilitating anxiety, grades orientation, persisting motives, and self-improvement orientation. Overall academic motivation's p value is .001, hence the Ho has been rejected. In spite of this, the ranks of the academic motives in both groups are similar. Self-improvement orientation, achieving motives, and persisting motives dominate the grantee's list of academic motives. Meanwhile, affiliating motives, self-improvement orientation, and achieving motives top the non-grantee list. Conversely, dislike for school, debilitating anxiety, and discouraged about school are at the bottom for the grantees. Except for dislike for school, the same motives are at the bottom for the non-grantees as well. Instead of dislike for school, withdrawing motives stands in its place.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

60, [11] leaves, 28 cm.


Motivation in education--Philippines; De La Salle University (Philippines)--Students--Psychology; De La Salle University (Philippines)--Funds and scholarships

Embargo Period


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