An integrated marketing communications campaign for Canon

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Advertising Management

Subject Categories

Advertising and Promotion Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising


Canon is a Japanese multi-national imaging company that manufactures input and output devices. The company established itself as a market leader in the camera industry for several years here in the Philippines. In 2007, Canon Marketing Philippines celebrated their 10th anniversary and launched the campaign entitled Canon Image Nation with the objective of uniting all photographers in the country. Canon aims to keep its commitment by always providing superior imaging technology and be an active agent of positive social change in the country.

Sales in 2010 increased by 15% for the camera industry because of flexible pricing, availability and accessibility, and schools offering photography courses. The convenience and artistic appeal of digital cameras also helped the increase in sales. However, slower sales growth occurred because of indirect competitors. Smartphones and tablets are emerging threats for the camera industry because of more convenience of use and similar camera features. People are drawn to these product substitutes because of the direct uploading feature of photos to social networking sites. Though the output image quality of most smartphones and tablets are lower than digital cameras, people would rather use their smartphone or tablets camera because they can upload their pictures right away.

The campaign aims to address the forecasted significant decline in Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the period (2010 -2015) by targeting the indirect competitors as oppose to the usual direct competitors. The campaign will target males and females, aged 24 to 29, from socio-economic classes AB and upper C and who are currently working. The campaign strategy will be divided in two phases each having different objectives. The Introduction phase will focus on making people choose cameras over product substitutes while the Sustaining phase will focus on making people choose Canon as the their brand of choice. Several media will be used including both above and below-the-line advertisements. A bulk of the advertisements will use digital media as it is the most appropriate to compliment the nature of the product as well as to properly tap recent behavior trends of the target market. By the end of the six-month period, it is expected that the market will prefer cameras over smartphones and tablets. People will buy a separate camera even though they already have the image capturing feature in their smartphones or tablets. Also, camera sales of Canon are expected to increase by 8% as it maintains its top spot in the camera industry.

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