An organizational analysis of the mandaport congregation of the United Pentecostal Church as a sect

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences

Subject Categories

Social and Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences


This study is basically an organizational analysis of the Mandaport Congregation of the United Pentecostal Church as a sect. This paper provides an extensive description of the organization's history, objectives, organizational structure (including its financing), beliefs/basic teachings, practices, activities, code/s that regulate behavior/actions of members, mechanisms in disciplining/monitoring membership participation, problems/difficulties regarding the organization and its members, and its membership. It utilized a descriptive research design, particularly the case study approach. Also, it includes documentation of the organization

s major activities (e.g. Sunday Divine Services, bible studies, and youth services). Finally, data collection, interviews of some of its members and leaders, as well as observation of the aforementioned activities, were done. It is because of the organizations unique set of beliefs/basic teachings and practices that the researchers interest has been spurred. Data gathered on the organizational analysis of the Mandaport Congregation of the United Pentecostal Church as a sect reveals that the said religious group manifests all the characteristics of a conversionist sect. They are in constant conflict with the rest of the society, especially other religious groups, due to their beliefs that their sect alone is the truth. And though its members are expected not to take any interest or to participate in any way in the countrys political situation and its actions for social reform, they cannot be actually identified as those who are hostile to the said issues. This was reveled through the researchers findings about activities that show their concern for such issues (e.g. Morning Manna prayers). The members of the said organization also do not take part in wordly things like gambling, smoking, drinking, wearing make-up and jewelry, and the like, because they also believe that man is corrupted because the world in which he lives in is also corrupt

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

169 leaves

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