"Marketing advocacy campaign for apostolate for family consecration" by Angelo Paolo S. Mata, Jill Christine C. Santiago et al.

Marketing advocacy campaign for apostolate for family consecration

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Marketing Management

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising

Thesis Adviser

Luz T. Suplico


The family is the basic social institution and the primary group in society. Today, its solidarity and stability is threatened by many forces. These seek to destroy Christian family life by means of sin and deception. In response to the current status of the family, Jerry and Gwen Coniker founded the Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) that vows to transform families and consecrate them in truth.

In line with the concerns stated above, this paper aims to answer the problem: How can the Apostolate Family Consecration make the target public aware of the importance of family relationships and the significance of the family in today'

s society?

In this study, research was conducted on families residing in Metro Manila. Las Pinas residents were used as representative sample for the respondents. A survey that focuses on the media habits, media exposure and church involvement of the respondents was distributed by the use of non-profitability, convenience sampling.

Based on the primary and research conducted, a three-phased, two-pronged advocacy campaign entitled: Buhayin mo Pamilya mo is proposed. This campaign targets parents, married in the Catholic Church who reside in Metro Manila and belong to socio-economic class C (families with a monthly household average income of PhP 20,000-99,999).

The goal of this plan is to create awareness for the advocacy campaign among at least 65% of the target population or 630,868 individuals, and to accumulate a cash inflow of Php3, 184, 000 during the year that will be used to fund and the sustain the advocacy programs.

The first phase of the campaign, entitled Alay, is a fund-raising period (December 2002-May 2003) in preparation for the second phase.

This second phase, entitled Sigla (June 2003 December 2003), focuses on building awareness of the Buhayin mo Pamilya mo campaign among the target markets.

The third phase, Balik-Tanaw is an evaluation stage for the entire campaign.

It is highly recommended that this campaign be continued for implementation. It is also advisable that more stakeholders such as non-government organizations be tapped in future endeavors.

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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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