"A feasibility study on K.I.T. (Creative Ventures)" by Christine Marie Delfino, David Denoga et al.

A feasibility study on K.I.T. (Creative Ventures)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Business Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Business Management


The primary market of K.I.T. are female college students, primarily those residing in dormitories in the vicinity of Manila. The secondary market includes female high school students as well as working women.

K.I.T. is a bag organizer with special features which makes it different from bags already in the market. It has unique compartments meant for the things commonly used by the target market. K.I.T. satisfies the need of the market, specifically the need to organize things inside one's bag in a trendy way. It has detachable handles which provides customers with choices on how to carry the bag.

The proponents made use of survey as their research method. The systematic random sampling was employed to select the respondents. This particular method of data gathering is chosen since it is very practical and flexible. Unlike using interview as research instrument, surveying entails a lower cost and consumes less time. More importantly, it is convenient for both the proponents and the respondents. To start off with the survey, the proponents made use of the table of random numbers to determine the first respondent for each of the dormitories. The population of the respondents consists of 1,008 female college students aged 17-24, residing in Metro Manila, and with a monthly allowance of at least P2000. The population also residues in dorms but it does not necessarily mean that the target market must also reside in dormitories. The chosen population can be described as representative of the primary target of the product of K.I.T.

During the survey itself, the proponents handed out the questionnaire to the chosen respondents. The actual product was also shown to them so that their answers regarding whether or not to buy the product will have a sound basis.

Since the target market are females aged 17-24, most of them have the same preferences. They all want an affordable bag which would be of great use to them. They all prefer something stylish that carries features that are sensible. This is due to the fact that they are college students. They want something that doesn't just boast a brand. They want something that has what they need. Being college students, they're constantly on the go. To most of the target market, having things organized would be a big convenience rather than spend time fumbling through their things trying to find what it is they are looking for. Knowing the preferences of the target market will help increase the acceptability of the K.I.T. in the market. Also, after having surveyed the sample frame, the proponents are able to gauge the needs and preferences of the target market.

Through the computation of production cost, the price of the product was determined. At P 180, administrative costs are already covered, taking into considerations, too, the price preference of the respondents.

Through the process of making the technical study, the proponents were able to determine the specifications of the K.I.T. before actually producing it. These specifications include the necessary raw materials need.

Abstract Format






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Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

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various pagings

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