"Advertising campaign for Grand International Airways" by Marlon B. Manaol, Emilio Jose Antonio P. Reynoso et al.

Advertising campaign for Grand International Airways

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Marketing Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising


Launched on March of 1995, Grand International Airways, or Grandair, has ridden on the crest of several unprecedented changes in the Philippine airline industry. For any company, the early stages are the most crucial this is the time when its reputation is established and when a following is either won or lost. In the few months that Grandair has been in operation, it has undergone a fairly successful public awareness campaign. However, time has come for a new approach to advertising the company.

This study opens with a background on Grandair's environment. An analysis is made regarding the airline industry (Part 11, No. 2), the company's competitors and target market (Part II, Nos. 3 and 4), and other external factors. This, along with a thorough review of the company's internal operations (Part III, No. 1), would form the backbone of several marketing recommendations, with a particular focus on advertising strategies and execution.

For the core of this study, an advertising strategy (Part 111, No. 4) for Grandair was developed, with the aim not only of increasing public awareness of the airline, but also of positioning it as a preferred choice in terms of domestic travel. After a backyard study, and after considering the company and industry situation, an effort was made to link the airline to the ever-elusive concept of time--a commodity particularly important to the airline's target clientelle--the traveling businessmen. Creative efforts (Part 111, No. 5) were conceptualized and executed with this thrust in mind, and a media plan for an advertising campaign running from November 1995 to February 1996 was also prepared (Part 111, No. 6). Lastly, with the need for a more integrated approach to Grandair's needs, public relations and other marketing communications programs are also discussed in passing (Part 111, No. 8).

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

73 numb. leaves

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