"Working mothers: Balancing career and homelife" by Mary Ann C. Bulay, Aileen G. Concepcion et al.

Working mothers: Balancing career and homelife

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences


This study describes the perceptions of working mothers from the Accounting and registrar's office of De La Salle University, Taft Campus regarding the competing demands imposed on them and the support that they receive from their home and workplace. This aims to determine the perceptions of working mothers towards the competing demands of their career and home, and how these demands are addressed. A descriptive research design was made utilizing in-depth interviews among fifteen respondents. This consists of the ten respondents coming from the Accounting office and the remaining five coming from the Registrar's office, who hold full-time-8-hour clerical jobs everyday. These respondents were purposively chosen from the Accounting and Registrar's offices of De La Salle University.

Findings show that the working mothers engage in a lot of tedious clerical work, thus they perceive their work as demanding. At home, the working mothers still assume a lot of responsibilities but the support that they receive from both institutions, help them go about the different responsibilities they assume everyday.

This study reveals that the demands imposed on the working mothers vary depending on the age group of the children. In order to balance these competing demands, time management is determined as the most effective tool.

It is also evident that the working mothers have competing demands to handle but they are unable to express and articulate the manifestations of these competing demands.

Society, therefore should develop the consciousness, of providing a more considerate and favorable environment for the working mothers.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

98 leaves

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