"Mainflush formulation for sandstone acidizing without HF." by Adrian A. Bugarin, Kristine M. Roque et al.

Mainflush formulation for sandstone acidizing without HF.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Subject Categories

Other Chemical Engineering


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Chemical Engineering


The mainflush stage in sandstone acidizing plays a critical part in the success of the well stimulation process in Geothermal fields. It is responsible for the dissolution of siliceous material, which is obstructing the designed flow through flow channels. The formulation being used will affirm the effectiveness of the mainflush stage in dissolving silica scales.

Combinations of a fluoride ion source and chemical compounds that aid in attaining teh desirable conditions for a high dissolution of siliceous materials make up the mainflush formulation. HF and HCI constitute the current mainflush formulation while HF, ALBER and NIKKI intensifiers constitute the Cabigon's mainflush formulation. Ammonium Bifluoride (NH5F2) and an intensifier constitutes this study's mainflush formulation.

This study was done to determine the capability of the ADVITINE mainflush formulation in dissolving silica scales from Makban Geothermal field. The results was done to determine the capability of the ADVITINE mainflush formulation in dissolving silica scales from Makban Geothermal field. The results showed the capability and the effectiveness of the formulation in terms of percent silica dissolved.

A solubility tests was conducted to acquire the necessary data for the computation of the percent silicia dissolved. This test used equal proportions of three different mesh sizes of the scale samples. This was done at different surrounding temperatures, buffer concentrations, and buffered pH.

The results showed good potential of the ADVITINE formulation in the dissolution of silica scales at buffered pH of 3.0 to 3.5 with buffer concentration of 0.15M, and at surrounding temperature of 140 centigrade. They illustrate that the enhanced formulation is more effective at higher surrounding temperature, lower buffered pH, and lower buffer solution concentration.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

60 leaves ; Computer print-out.


Oil wells--Acidization; Sandstone

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