"Three generation of Filipino-Chinese women's perception on gender and " by Cherilyn T. Bendicion and Stephanie Lo

Three generation of Filipino-Chinese women's perception on gender and sexuality

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences


This study aims to describe and compare three generations of Chinese women with respect to their perceptions of sexuality, gender-power relations, and reproductive behavior. In addition, intergenerational congruence and disparities will be identified in relation to the extent they have influenced reproductive ideals. The interaction between external factors and the perceptions of elders on the current belief system would shape the viewpoint of the third generation Chinese women.The use of in-depth interviews facilitated the data collection. Subjects for the study were chosen purposively such as personal connections, peers, and relatives. And were interviewed on one to one basis as to avoid contamination of responses. Case studies linking the three generations were undertaken to contextualize current perceptions referred to.Findings revealed a mixture of traditional and modern views. The women are traditional regarding the dating and courtship practices, and pre-marital sex. On the other hand, they are more modern in decisions for their personal autonomy and development, career choices, financial, family, and travel concerns. Their reproductive ideals are also modern since they want to have a smaller number of children and would use of artificial contraceptives, if the necessity arises. With regards to attitude towards homosexuals, they are more accepting, although there is still the stigma attached due to their potential influence on young children.The three generations of Chinese women have their areas of difference and agreement. They strongly differ in their perspective of intermarriage between Filipinos and Chinese. The older generations think that Filipinos are not suitable as marriage partners due to their culture and upbringing. Elders are conservative in terms of women's role being confined to domestic chores, motherhood and marriage partners. Although all three generations have similar beliefs regarding the strong preference for Filipino-Chinese (Fukien) marriage partner rejection of the practice of pre-marital sex, and in disallowing homosexuals to relate with young children.Case studies were used as to reinforce the respondents the divergence and similarity of three generations. Two grandmothers reported of their husbands' extra-marital affairs and the prearrangement of their marriages. Pre-marital sex was acceptable to the last two generations in a family. In one instance there was the conflict between mother and daughter regarding the latter's Filipino boyfriend.Educational programs which do not stereotype women's roles should be undertaken, empowerment of women's sexuality could be aided by strong support network by friends and peers, reeducation of parents in the equality of sexes, and demonstration of success stories of women who made their own decisions regarding their life. The influence of elders should be balanced against the perceptions of the third generation Chinese women who are influenced by friends, peers, the school, and media.

Abstract Format






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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

138 leaves


Perception; Women--Cross cultural studies; Sex; Sexual behavior; Women--Philippines; Women, Chinese; Chinese in the Philippines

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