Reconciling with nature through the geocosm theory

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy


College of Liberal Arts




The Geocosm theory likens the earth to a living body. This study aims to find a new perspective in environmentalism using the geocosm theory. Environmentalism has become popular nowadays but there is a need to foster a deeper vigilance. This study begins with the discussion of the state of the environment in terms of wildlife and foliage to establish the importance of having this thesis. The roots of human destructiveness is attributed to the patriarchal society influenced by the monotheistic religions which replaced the primal religion. The colonial era, capitalism and industrialism further alienated the humans from the earth.

The inclusion of primal religion is important in this study to show the human attitude during the ancient times. Such attitude is characterized by the reverence and respect given to the earth in the belief of it being a Mother. Hinduism and Taoism preach the unity of the cosmos or the universe which enables its believers to have a certain respect for the earth. Western philosophy includes the pre-Socratics, Plato and the philosophers of science, Henri Bergson and Alfred North Whitehead. These assert the unity and inter-relatedness of the universe. The philosophy of Spinoza, on the other hand, represents a Christian view and an attempt to re-evaluate the Christian religion on its status in caring for the environment. All views will be used to support the Geocosm theory.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

77 leaves


Environmentalists; Hinduism; Taoism; Philosophy of nature; Biotic communities; Nature--Religious aspects; Philosophers

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