"Lifestyle of women single-parents across the classes" by Medalisa Angeles, Jasmin Omila et al.

Lifestyle of women single-parents across the classes

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Sciences


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences


This is a study of the lifestyle of women single-parents (out of wedlock, separation, and death of a spouse) across the classes (lower class, middle class, and upper class). It aims to find out the similarities and differences in the problems and the changes that take place in their lives. In analyzing these problems and changes, the following factors were considered: a) household duties and responsibilities b) interpersonal relations and c) career/schooling. Utilizing the case study approach, the findings showed that the woman single-parent, is faced with similar problems which vary depending on the cause (i.e. wedlock) or the social class. Examples of such problems and changes are the added responsibility of fitting into the role of the father -- the breadwinner. In the process, one's career/schooling is affected either positively or negatively. Also, one's relationship/relating with people is affected, thus complicating the single-parent's life all the more. In dealing with these problems and changes, one seeks the assistance of the family (the parents and friends) during the adjusting stage and onwards. Thus the lifestyle of the women single-parents.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

122 numb. leaves


Women; Single parents; Life style; Social classes

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