A computer based approach in enciphering and deciphering a cryptogram
Date of Publication
Document Type
Bachelor's Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
College of Science
Mathematics and Statistics
When the original message is transformed or converted into an unintelligible form, this process is called encipthering. The unintelligible form of the original message is known as the cryptogram. The process of deciphering involves reconverting the cryptogram into its unintelligible form. This thesis presents a program in Turbo Pascal version 5.5 in enciphering and deciphering a cryptogram. The program contains three different methods that one could use in enciphering and deciphering a cryptogram. These methods are as follows: (a.) Transposition (Route Cipher) (b.) Monoalphabetic Substitution and (c.) Polyalphabetic Substitution. Two of the formulas stated in the definitions in this thesis, are results given by Frederick Gass in his article Solving a Jules Verne Cryptogram . The researchers provided some statistical formulas and definitions, since the reference mentioned above does not have enough mathematical definitions.
Abstract Format
Accession Number
Shelf Location
Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall
Physical Description
58 numb. leaves
Ciphers; Cryptography; Signs and symbols; Computer programs
Recommended Citation
Lucena, M. C., & Natividad, J. C. (1992). A computer based approach in enciphering and deciphering a cryptogram. Retrieved from https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/etd_bachelors/16025