"Water quality analysis of ground water in Masaguisi, Bongabon Oriental" by Socorro I. Morris

Water quality analysis of ground water in Masaguisi, Bongabon Oriental Mindoro

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biology


College of Science




The flowing water utilized as source of drinking water in Masaguisi Bongabon Oriental Mindoro was determined from June to December 1995. Six sampling stations were selected.In each station the different physico-chemical parameters like temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and orthophosphate were conducted for a period of six months. Results showed that temperature range from 25.52 centigrade - 26 centigrade salinity 0.20 0 over 00 : pH 7. 18 - 7.43 units dissolved oxygen 3.73 - 6.67 mg/L alkalinity 94.21 - 108.42 mg/L conductivity 204.25 - 241.2 umhos nitrate 1.03 - 1.55 mg/L and orthophosphate 4.0 - 5.08 mg/L.Based on DENR standards, temperature of flowing water was within the standard limit, on the other hand, the dissolved oxygen, nitrate and orthophosphate of flowing water did not conform with the allowable limit set by the DENR. There was no recommendation for the standard limit of alkalinity and conductivity.Phytoplankton collected in the flowing water were identified. The identification of phytoplankton were up to the genus level only. The identified phytoplankton belong to phylum Myxophyta or Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta. The species identified for phylum Myxophyta or Cyanophyta belong to the genus Gloeothece and Anabaena while species identified for Chlorophyta belong to the genus Eremosphaera, Stigeoclonium and Acanthosphaera. Aside from phytoplankton, water molds were found present in flowing water.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

74 leaves


Water quality; Water--Analysis; Phytoplankton--Identification; Water; Underground; Ground water

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