"Inventory Management System for Banks (IMS-Banks)" by Mark Almazar, Paolo Ocampo et al.

Inventory Management System for Banks (IMS-Banks)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Thesis Adviser

Lloyd Espiritu

Defense Panel Member

Mary Jane Bacong

Maria Josephine Prey


The Inventory Management System for Banks (IMS-Banks) is a generic system for managing the inventory of Stationery and Supplies of the banks. It also includes the monitoring of the bank's non-stock items-the Equipment, and Furniture and Fixture. The system was developed under the supervision and specifications of Prime Systems Plus, Inc. (PSPI). In exchange of the company's resources the group had consumed, the proponents are obliged to let PSPI have the products of this study-the software and the documentation. These enables them to integrate it with the different Information Systems the company have developed for banks and provide their customer with outstanding IT solutions.

After enough data was gathered through Interviews, and Library and Internet Research, the proponents were able to site some areas of improvement. One of the major problems encountered by banks is the reordering of stocks. The reason behind this is that most banks do the computations for their inventory manually. By carefully analyzing the information gathered, the proponents were able to come up with new idea solutions that will improve quality of information and processes. During this phase, theories and tools such as Data Flow Diagram, Process Workflow, and Theoretical Inventory Processes, to easily understand and analyze the general inventory management system for banks guided the proponents.

This concludes that the developed system is now utilizing all data or information with great accuracy and efficiency with the use of non-redundant processes and minimizing error-prone activities compared to the existing system.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

1 v. (various foliations) ; 28 cm. + ; user's manual.


Inventory control; Banks and banking--Inventories

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