Computer and Software Technology, and Robotics | Reaffirming the Critical Role of Transformative Research and Knowledge Production in the Age of Post-Truth

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Tuesday, June 27th
1:00 PM

Humans + AI: Exploring the Collaboration Between AI and Human Labor in the Workplace

Vito Leon V. Gamboa, De La Sallle University Integrated School
Monica Keisha T. Cu, De La Sallle University Integrated School
Justin John Abraham F. Sy, De La Sallle University Integrated School
Shienie Mae M. Tan, De La Sallle University Integrated School

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

PROJECT DISTANSiYA: A Social Distancing Device

Meriel Lorien M. Camarig, Muntinlupa National High School
Jirah Mae Arquita, Muntinlupa National High School
Riciamel M. Capuli, Muntinlupa National High School
John Mark P. Mancera, Muntinlupa National High School
Mave Czedrick A. Mataverde, Muntinlupa National High School
John Joshua T. Paje, Muntinlupa National High School
John Dave B. Ramos, Muntinlupa National High School

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

3:30 PM

Chatbots as Peer Counselors in Helping DLSU Senior High School Students Manage Their Stress: Socio-Technical Requirements

Franco Gabriel M. Pena, De La Salle University Integrated School
Inigo Joaquin Y. Cabredo, De La Salle University Integrated School
Jenina Athea S. Pascual, De La Salle University Integrated School
Mitzen Mae L. Sotelo, De La Salle University Integrated School

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM