Digital Arts | Reaffirming the Critical Role of Transformative Research and Knowledge Production in the Age of Post-Truth

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Hala Aswang!: A Zine on the Injustices during the Duterte Administration Foretold through the Aswang Folklore

Eritch Angela Torrato

Tuesday, June 27th
1:00 PM

DEFINE FEMININE, I’M FEMININE: A Comparative Analysis of Female Character Designs Created Through the Male and Female Gaze

Denise Angeline B. Nadala, De La Salle University

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Making of "Silent Wishes"

Alec Justine C. Tenerife

1:00 PM - 10:00 AM

The Making of "Silent Wishes"

Alec Justine C. Tenerife, Miriam College Nuvali

1:00 PM - 10:00 AM

'Zining' the Female Body: An Exploration of the Affective Dispositions of DLSU (Laguna) Generation Z Female Students toward the Representations of Female Bodies on Instagram

Eizel Beatrice E. Adornado, De La Salle University Integrated School (Manila)

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Thursday, June 29th
8:00 AM

Hala Aswang!: A Zine on the Injustices during the Duterte Administration Foretold through the Aswang Folklore

Eritch Angela T. Torrato, De La Salle University, Manila

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Start Streaming: A Graphic Illustration Bringing Awareness to the Negative Incidents Caused by the Viewers of Twitch to the Twitch Audiences of Youth in Metro Manila

Prudence Meredith G. Morales, De La Salle University

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Vacc-Sining Against the Infodemic: The Role of Filipino Digital Artists in Fighting Social Media Misinformation and Disinformation in the Philippines

Rossel Mar P. Trinidad, De La Salle University, Manila

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

1:00 PM

U and I : A Preference-based Mobile App User Interface Design for Productive Learning Among DLSU SHS Students

Zia Cherryanne R. Correa, De La Salle University, Manila
Essan Purple Love A. Neron, De La Salle University, Manila
Sophia Denisse A. Sabate, De La Salle University, Manila

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM