Document Types
Paper Presentation
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Carlos F. Gaygay Jr.
Abstract/Executive Summary
This study investigated the conditions of the learning environment at home and perceived academic performance of the STEM 12 online learners of Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED Senior High School in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and determined the significance and extent of the relationship between the two. Based on the inclusion criteria, 198 respondents were taken for this study. The study was conducted in the locale of the Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED Senior High School during the first semester. The data used in the conclusions was collected through Google Forms through online survey questionnaires and analyzed using the weighted mean of responses and the Spearman rho correlation test. Based on the collected data, the following results were identified. The NDMU-IBED SHS STEM 12 online learners have a good general learning environment – with lighting and temperature in good condition, and noise in fair condition. The online learners have a fair level of perceived academic performance. There is a moderate positive correlation between the general condition of the physical learning environment and perceived level of academic performance - with low positive correlation between both lighting and temperature and perceived academic performance, and negligible correlation between noise and perceived academic performance. It was therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between conditions of the physical environment (i.e., lighting, noise, and temperature) and perceived academic performance of NDMU-IBED SHS STEM 12 students during online distance learning.
perceived academic performance; online learning; lighting; noise; temperature
Start Date
12-5-2022 1:00 PM
End Date
12-5-2022 3:00 PM
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
21st Century Learning and Innovations (CLI)
A Descriptive Correlational Study on the Physical Environment and Perceived Academic Performance of STEM Online Learners
This study investigated the conditions of the learning environment at home and perceived academic performance of the STEM 12 online learners of Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED Senior High School in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and determined the significance and extent of the relationship between the two. Based on the inclusion criteria, 198 respondents were taken for this study. The study was conducted in the locale of the Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED Senior High School during the first semester. The data used in the conclusions was collected through Google Forms through online survey questionnaires and analyzed using the weighted mean of responses and the Spearman rho correlation test. Based on the collected data, the following results were identified. The NDMU-IBED SHS STEM 12 online learners have a good general learning environment – with lighting and temperature in good condition, and noise in fair condition. The online learners have a fair level of perceived academic performance. There is a moderate positive correlation between the general condition of the physical learning environment and perceived level of academic performance - with low positive correlation between both lighting and temperature and perceived academic performance, and negligible correlation between noise and perceived academic performance. It was therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between conditions of the physical environment (i.e., lighting, noise, and temperature) and perceived academic performance of NDMU-IBED SHS STEM 12 students during online distance learning.