"Students’ Awareness Towards Physical Communication Barriers in Online Distance Learning "
Document Types
Paper Presentation
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Cherry L. Rosita
Abstract/Executive Summary
As a preventative measure against the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), most educational systems throughout the world have shifted to online distance learning, where physical communication barriers are especially magnified. The overarching objective of this study is to examine the awareness of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of Lagro High School towards physical communication barriers in online distance learning using a qualitative phenomenological research design. The study specifically sought to understand the awareness of students towards physical communication barriers in online distance learning and identify the strategies they employ in coping with physical communication barriers in online distance learning. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data from the respondents. The results of the content analysis revealed several categories for the following subthemes: (a) seven categories for physical communication barriers encountered by students in online distance learning, (b) five categories for effects of physical communication barriers in online distance learning, (c) six categories for students’ strategies for coping with physical communication barriers, and (d) four categories for the effectiveness of strategies in coping with physical communication barriers during online distance learning. Based on the results, cogent recommendations are discussed at the end of the study.
physical communication barriers; strategies; online distance learning; awareness; education
Start Date
12-5-2022 1:00 PM
End Date
12-5-2022 3:00 PM
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
21st Century Learning and Innovations (CLI)
"Students’ Awareness Towards Physical Communication Barriers in Online Distance Learning "
As a preventative measure against the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), most educational systems throughout the world have shifted to online distance learning, where physical communication barriers are especially magnified. The overarching objective of this study is to examine the awareness of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of Lagro High School towards physical communication barriers in online distance learning using a qualitative phenomenological research design. The study specifically sought to understand the awareness of students towards physical communication barriers in online distance learning and identify the strategies they employ in coping with physical communication barriers in online distance learning. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data from the respondents. The results of the content analysis revealed several categories for the following subthemes: (a) seven categories for physical communication barriers encountered by students in online distance learning, (b) five categories for effects of physical communication barriers in online distance learning, (c) six categories for students’ strategies for coping with physical communication barriers, and (d) four categories for the effectiveness of strategies in coping with physical communication barriers during online distance learning. Based on the results, cogent recommendations are discussed at the end of the study.