APSSR | Asia-Pacific Social Science Review | De La Salle University | Vol 20 | Iss 4

Volume 20, Issue 4 (2020)


Research Articles


Term Limits and Political Dynasties in the Philippines: Unpacking the Links
Ronald U. Mendoza, Miann S. Banaag, Joshua D. Hiwatig, Michael Henry Ll. Yusingco, and Jurel K. Yap


Principled Eclecticism: A Mix and Match Solution for Rural Thai Classrooms?
Andrew Biggs, Oranuch Limtasiri, and Umporn Watchana


Online Victimization, Social Media Utilization, and Cyber Crime Prevention Measures
Claudia San Miguel, Kristina Morales, and Marcus Antonius Ynalvez

Data at a Glance