APSSR | Asia-Pacific Social Science Review | De La Salle University | Vol 19 | Iss 2

Volume 19, Issue 2 (2019) 06/30/2019


Research Articles


The Art in Pain on Becoming A Tattooed Person: A Grounded Theory
Maria Louise Liancee C. Santos and Maurice C. Villafranca


Characterizing the High Breast Cancer Incidence in Bacolod City, Philippines
Jose Santos R. Carandang IV, Elmer Jose P. Dadios, Ma. Luisa D. Enriquez, Dennis S. Erasga, Eric Camilo R. Punzalan, Balintawak P. Sison-Gareza, Romeo G. Teruel, Michael B. Ples, Frumencio F. Co., Maria Ellenita G. De Castro, and Julien L. Carandang


Factors Associated with Unmet Need for Healthcare Among Older Adults in Thailand
Natthani Meemon and Seung Chun Paek Mahidol University, Thailand


Malaysian Youth Well-Being Scale: Development and Initial Validation
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh z_zienab@upm.edu.my, Jeffrey Lawrence D’Silva, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Dzuhailmi Dahalan, Nor Aini Mohamed, and Hayrol Azril Mohamed Shaffril

Book Review

Data at a Glance