Volume 17, Issue 2 (2017)
From the Editor
Romeo B. Lee
Research Articles
Structure or Relationship? Rethinking Family Influences on Juvenile Delinquency in Malaysia
Tan Bee Piang, Zuraini Jubail Osman, and Noor Banu Mahadir
Skin Beauty as Erotic Capital and Production of “Luckiness”: A Look at Menopausal Women Using Hormone Therapy Replacement for Skin Treatment in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Huynh Thi Xuan Tam, Pimpawun Boonmongkon, Xiaochuan Wang, and Thomas E. Guadamuz
Climate Adaptation, Technological Self-Reliance, and the Developing World: Evidence From an Emerging Economy
Rodolfo Calzado Jr. and Jose Santos Carandang IV
Doomed to Separate: A Neoclassical Realist Perspective of the Third India–Pakistan War of 1971 and Independence of Bangladesh
Shafiqur Rahman
A Critical Ethnographic Study on Betel Quid Dependence Among Young Men in Mandalay, Myanmar
Thida Moe, Pimpawun Boonmongkon, Xiaochuan Wang, Darunee Phukao, Timo T. Ojanen, and Thomas E. Guadamuz
Low-Cost Carrier Passenger Repurchase Intention: A Structural Equation Model Analysis
Sujira Vuthisopon and Chalita Srinuan
Research Briefs
Comparative Analysis of WW II Japanese Comfort Women and Its Derivative Contemporary Filipina Transnational Prostituted Women System
P. C. Kutschera, Marie A. Capati, Benigno P. Legamia, and Elena C. Tesoro
A Theoretical Analysis of Non-formal Education as a Social Movement for Change in Thailand
John Draper and Pennee Kantavong
On Migration Solutions and Interventions: An Afterthought
Dennis V. Blanco
Living with Endometriosis in the Philippines
Jeane C. Peracullo
Exploring Antecedents to Thai Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Organizational Performance
Kitti Kiatsuranon and Opal Suwunnamek
Book Reviews
Combatting ASEAN Human Trafficking: A Regional Process and Challenge
Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti
Local Governments in the Digital Era
Yossathorn Taweephon, Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti, and Somsak Amornsiriphong