Asia-Pacific Journal of IP Management and Innovation (APJIPMI) | DLSU Publications | DLSU Publications | De La Salle University

Asia-Pacific Journal of IP Management and Innovation

The journal is not accepting article submissions at this time. Authors are invited to consider submitting their manuscripts to the Asia-Pacific Intellectual Property Management and Innovation Book Series The Book Series publishes monographs, book chapters, and full-length books.

The Asia-Pacific Journal of IP Management and Innovation is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research covering all aspects of intellectual property (IP) management and innovation, particularly in the Asia-Pacific context.

The journal is especially interested in articles that contribute new knowledge on the strategic management of IP, innovation, creativity, and knowledge and technology transfer. These articles may be presented in a variety of modes ranging from theoretical frameworks, experimental analyses, and case studies. The Journal further provides feature and news articles that are useful for the career development of professionals working in the field of IP and innovation. The journal will also include technology showcases from industry and academia, and the latest news and trends on IP management and innovation in the Asia-Pacific.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Number 1 (2022) Maiden Issue


Research Articles


The Concept of Originality and Creativity in the Humanities, the Social Sciences and the Natural Sciences
Madelene Sta. Maria, Christopher Cruz, Maria Judy San Juan, Charisse Tan, and Rajiv Amarnani

Policy Brief
