
Akda: The Asian Journal of Literature, Culture, Performance

About This Journal

Akda: The Asian Journal of Literature, Culture, Performance is an international peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish cutting-edge articles in the areas and intersections of Literary, Cultural, and Performance Studies. It is an open-access journal, which comes out twice a year, normally on April and October. We especially welcome articles that will inaugurate new and dynamic directions for scholarly inquiry on the literary and cultural production of the Asian region. Further, in our commitment to diversity and to multicultural dialogue, we welcome contributions that may potentially be relevant to the concerns of the region from various national and cultural backgrounds. The journal is supported by a distinguished editorial board that represents the journal’s scholarly depth and geographic scope.

Akda welcomes the following article types for publication:

Regular articles: Original and unpublished critical essays on literary, cultural and performance texts and scholarship in Asia, which range from 6,000 to 9,000 words (inclusive of abstract, notes and work cited section).

Perspectives articles: Practice-based papers on writing and performance and annotated interviews and forum of Asian artists and scholars, which range from 3,000 to 6,000 words (inclusive of abstract, notes and work cited section).

Review articles: Reviews of scholarly monographs, and creative, cultural and performance texts in Asia, which range from 1,000 to 2,500 words (inclusive of publication details and work cited section).

Indexed in MLA International Bibliography and Andrew Gonzales Philippine Citation Index (AGPCI).