Submit Your Research

Select the appropriate department and degree from the list. For example, you are an undergraduate student from the Accountancy Department and will submit your thesis, click the Accountancy Bachelor's Thesis link from the list.

Conferences and Events
Annual Research Congress for High School and Elementary Teachers, Researchers, and Scholars (ARCHERS)
Critical Island Studies: 4th International Conference
DLSU Arts Congress
DLSU Publications
Akda: The Asian Journal of Literature, Culture, Performance
Asia-Pacific Intellectual Property Management and Innovation Book Series
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review
Dalumat: Multikultural at Multidisiplinaryong E-Journal sa Araling Pilipino
DLSU Business & Economics Review
Malay Journal
Manila Journal of Science
Sinaya: A Philippine Journal for Senior High School Teachers and Students
DLSU Publications Index
Faculty Research and Creative Works
Nemenzo Virtual Museum
Senior High School Theses, Research Projects, and Creative Works
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Arts and Design Track
Humanities and Social Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Sports Track
Social Development Research Center
Theses and Dissertations
Business Management
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Commercial Law
Computer Technology
Counseling and Educational Psychology
Decision Sciences and Innovation
Educational Leadership and Management
Electronics and Computer Engineering
English and Applied Linguistics
Financial Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Information Technology
International Studies
Management and Organization
Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Marketing and Advertising
Mathematics and Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Political Science and Development Studies
Science Education
Sociology and Behavioral Sciences
Software Technology
Theology and Religious Education