"Evolution of Philippine Businesses: Response to Internal and External " by Ma. Andrea L. Santiago

Added Title

DLSU-AKI Working Paper Series 2001-012


School of Economics



Document Type

Working Paper

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The Philippine business environment undoubtedly is characterized as having a boom and bust cycle. It has not been able to take off as compared to its neighboring countries (Lim, 1999). Now more than ever, the political and economic environment has become a big challenge for many local businesses.

In spite, or because, of the current environment there are businesses that continue to prosper. On the one extreme are the large conglomerates that have the muscle to withstand major shocks and the on other are the smaller entrepreneurial ventures that are flexible and able to seize upon opportunities quickly.

In trying to understand business longevity, a research framework has been developed that intends to trace the evolution of Philippine businesses through the accumulation of case files. Case histories shall be drawn highlighting the responses of these businesses to changes in their internal and external environment. These responses are reflected in a corporation’s strategies. These strategies shall be analyzed together, as one strategy is bound to affect the next. An integrative model, showing the interplay of the entrepreneur, the business, the immediate and general environment, shall be used.



Behavioral Economics | Growth and Development


Philippines; Business; Small Businesses

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