Added Title

DLSU-AKI Policy Brief, 2024-05-031

Document Type

Policy Brief

Publication Date


Place of Publication

DLSU-Angelo King Institute, Room 223, LS building, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922


This study examines the comprehension and application of K to 12 assessment policies among educators and supervisors. Findings highlight disparities in understanding and usage across policy dimensions and respondent categories. While supervisors consistently exhibit strong comprehension, teachers and school heads display lower levels, particularly regarding national and system policies. Noteworthy associations emerge between respondent characteristics and policy understanding/use, alongside discrepancies in comprehension across Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recommendations advocate for tailored training, enhanced communication, and mentorship initiatives to address these gaps and enhance policy implementation. Priority is given to empowering supervisors as mentors, addressing equity-related challenges among school leaders, and fostering inclusive policy development processes. By identifying key intervention areas, this study contributes to advancing educational policy and practice, aiming to improve assessment policy comprehension and utilization.



K to 12 assessment, Assessment Policy, Policy Use, Policy Use

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