"Public-Private Partnerships: Unmasking the reality" by Jesus Felipe and Pedro Pascual

Added Title

DLSU-AKI Policy Brief 2024-03-027


School of Economics



Document Type

Policy Brief

Publication Date


Place of Publication

DLSU-Angelo King Institute, Room 223, LS building, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922


PUBLIC-PRIVATE Partnerships (PPPs) are long-term contractual arrangements where the private sector provides (builds and sometimes runs) infrastructure assets and services that have traditionally been directly funded by the government, such as hospitals, schools, prisons, roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, and water and sanitation plants, and where there is also some form of risk sharing between the public and the private sector. These arrangements started in the 1990s in developed countries and now many developing countries are trying them.

In this Policy Brief, first, it scrutinized the arguments to justify these contractual arrangements and the available evidence about their proclaimed benefits. Then we discuss Philippine PPPs.


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