"Momshies know best: The impact of a social media influencer on the pur" by Charisse Jollins Z. Ang, Jose Luis C. Legaspi et al.

Momshies know best: The impact of a social media influencer on the purchase intention of Filipino moms as mediated by consumer attitude


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

8th National Business and Management Conference

First Page


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Publication Date



Considering the significant implications of having social media influencers as brand endorsers, companies are eager to adapt to the rising social media trend. Firms have started to compete with one another on who captures the most attention on social media, through the use of virtual campaigns and digital communication.
The research study focuses on a specific marketing direction that THE FRESH POULTRY COMPANY TFPC —a Philippine poultry integrator, intends to address. Key highlights of the study is on the advertising effectiveness of its chosen social media influencer, the impact of its social media influencer on the purchase intention and the consumer attitude of Filipino mothers “Momshies” towards the products of TFPC
Determining measurements on source credibility, source attractiveness, product match-up, and meaning transfer will serve as the predictors for purchase intention. Consumer attitude is also measured to mediate the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable of the study.
The study used causal research as a means to examine the cause-and-effect relationship between and among its variables. For the quantitative research part, a survey method using the Likert scale was used. Multiple linear regression was applied to determine the strength and direction of the linear relationship between the four constructs that represent advertising effectiveness and purchase intention. The test of mediation was applied to examine if consumer attitude will mediate the relationship between the advertising effectiveness constructs and purchase intention.
It was concluded that first, the source credibility was proven to have a significant relationship with purchase intention. Secondly, source attractiveness had a significant relationship with purchase intention. Third, the study did not prove product match-up significantly impacted purchase intention. Lastly, the present study proved that consumer attitude significantly mediates the impact of source credibility and source attractiveness on purchase intention.
The study recommends that TFPC should leverage on the credibility and attractiveness of its current social media influencer as an advertising strategy in its future marketing programs. Also an interesting revelation of the study is the consideration for TFPC is to further segment its current target market using psychographic characteristics. The primary reason why the meaning transfer of its social media influencer did not significantly impact purchase intention is that the target market is apparently segmenting itself into two psychographic market sub-segments.





Consumers—Attitudes; Internet personalities; Online manipulation

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