"Koha: Analyzing Filipino public librarians’ awareness on the use of op" by Rosendo Rama Jr.

Koha: Analyzing Filipino public librarians’ awareness on the use of open source integrated library system

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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This study examined the Filipino public librarians’ awareness and use of the open-source integrated library system (KOHA). The study was guided by research questions that focus on the main areas such as one (1) level of awareness of Filipino public librarians, two (2) issues and challenges they experienced in using the open-source integrated library system, and three (3) innovative recommendations for the improvement of the KOHA open-source integrated library system. The descriptive-quantitative design was adopted in this research, with a total population of twenty (20) public librarians as respondents all coming from different cities and provinces of the Philippines that use open-source integrated library system (KOHA). The instrument used to gather data is the use of a survey questionnaire (Google Forms) and the data generated were analyzed using frequency tables, percentages, and weighted mean. Furthermore, it aims to provide an overview on the use of the open-source integrated library system (KOHA) in the Philippine setting.



Library and Information Science


Open source software—Library applications; Integrated library systems (Computer systems)

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