"An interaction model for online communities of interest" by Rosemary R. Seva and Henry Been Lirn Duh

An interaction model for online communities of interest


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Industrial Engineering

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



The Internet has become a venue for people with the same interests to form a community where they can interact, exchange ideas and information and publish relevant materials. Not all communities, however, become successful, as there are members who are contented in just lurking and refuse to participate. This study aims to present a model that explains people's behavior in participating in online communities of interest. The components of the model were derived from a review of literature regarding online communities, in general. The review conducted paved the way to the development of a new model of interaction in OLC's of interest. This model illustrates three stages that consumers are involved in OLC. The initial stage is motivation which is initiated by needs and perceptions of OLC participation. The second part of the model shows that trust, sense of identity, sense of community, and interaction quality are the most influential social variables while site management, security, usability, and reliability are the significant technical variables. If active participation had been achieved in an OLC, promotion of the activity may be done by members and increase loyalty to the community. Aside from loyalty social capital may be formed and business communities can earn profit.



Social and Behavioral Sciences


Online social networks

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