The impact of carbon emissions on birth rates and death rates in ASEAN+3
School of Economics
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SJCC Management Research Review
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Environmental degradation has become one of the most urgent and pressing issues the world confronts today. Given its consequences on human welfare as manifested in the rise of population-related illnesses and climate change, it is apparent that the rise of toxic emissions poses a threat to human population. However, many have failed to identify how such phenomenon affected those who have yet to be born and those who may experience premature death as a result of increased emissions. Both are deemed to be important demographics within the fields of population growh, welfare, and human resource. In light of the continuous industrialization of the ASEAN+3 countries, this study endeavors to identify the effects of carbon emissions to demography by analyzing its effects on birth rates and death rates. Being a highly heterogeneous region comprised of nations with varied socioeconomic conditions, this study also compares and contrasts the type of relationship the selected variables will have within developing nation juxtaposed to a developed nation. Using a cross sectional time series Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) regression, Least Suare Dummy Variable (LSDV) Fixed Effects Linear Panel Regression estimates revealed that carbon emissions possess a negative relationship with birth rates and a positive relationship, albeit statistically insignificant relationship, with death rates. With respect to the relationship of birth rates and carbon emissions, estimates show that developed countries also respond differently from developing countries. On the other hand, the relationship of death rates and carbon emissions are found to be analogous across all member countries.
Recommended Citation
Rivera, J. R., & See, K. T. (2011). The impact of carbon emissions on birth rates and death rates in ASEAN+3. SJCC Management Research Review, 1 Retrieved from
Demography, Population, and Ecology | Environmental Studies
Atmospheric carbon dioxide—Physiological effect—Asia; Fertility, Human—Environmental aspects—Asia
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