"Kagandahang loob: Going beyond smooth interpersonal relationship and e" by Ron R. Resurreccion

Kagandahang loob: Going beyond smooth interpersonal relationship and empathy


College of Liberal Arts



Document Type

Book Chapter

Source Title

Global Issues and Challenges in a Changing World: Psychological, Cultural and Group Relationships

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Explorations of indigenous concepts used to characterize qualities possessed by individuals in a given culture help in understanding the psychological make-up of a person and in further explaining notions of personhood in Filipino social interactions. Kagandahang loob is a Filipino indigenous concept that is usually used to refer to the actions of a person who is capable of exhibiting positive relations with another. The definition o the Filipino concept was empirically derived from individuals from various helping professions and the academe who were asked to provide details on critical events where they experienced kagandahang loob from another person in various forms of interpersonal interactions. A qualitative content analysis of the data revealed that a person who has kagandahang loob shows empathy, cares for the other human beings and possesses a pure heart. Just like empathy and the ability to have smooth interpersonal relationships, kagandahang loob an also be desired quality by both lay persons and those on the helping profession to establish personal relationships with other people. Implications for more effective interventions in mental health.



Social Psychology

Series Title

Progress in Asian social psychology series ; volume 7


Exchange theory (Sociology); Empathy; Interpersonal relations; Relationship quality

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