"Development of precast lightweight concrete wall panel using sand, per" by Ma. Cecilia M. Marcos

Development of precast lightweight concrete wall panel using sand, perlite ad pumice as aggregates for low cost housing in the Philippines


Gokongwei College of Engineering

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The intention of this paper is to contribute to the study of lightweight concrete particularly Lightweight Aggregate Concrete incorporating PerWe as a fine aggregate and Pumice as coarse aggregate, to develop a precast concrete wall panel for Low Cost Housing in the Philippines. With this in mind the study deals on focusing with the density and compressive strength of cylindrical test specimens for moderate strength lightweight concrete as well as the flexural stress of precast wall panel specimens. Flexural stress of the precast lightweight concrete wall panel is compared with the flexural stress of conventional concrete hollow block wall. Three mixtures of cement, perlite, pumice and sand are produced, l:2:1:0.5, 1:1.5:1.5:0.5 and l:l:1:0 respectively. After all experimental investigations on the specimens, their analysis are detailed including the physical assessment of the specimens. Laboratory tests have shown that the density and compressive strength of the 1st and 3rd mixtures have complied with the ACI standards for moderate strength lightweight concrete. And also the flexural stress of wall panel far exceeded the ACI flexural strength requirement of an ordinary concrete hollow block wall. The three mixtures of the wall panel are more expensive than ordinary CHB wall. However, the low density of the three mixtures facilitating the mass production labor cost, hansp011ation, handling and construction processes may result in significant overall savings.



Civil and Environmental Engineering


Lightweight concrete; Aggregates (Building materials)

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